Monday, October 18, 2010

cool new tools lead to cool new creations

my birthday was yesterday and i just got some really great new tools.
receiving tools is like a dream come true for me. i know that most people would probably like to get something that they keep but i love things that allow me to make new stuff to send out into the world.
i played with a new textured hammer today. some very cool copper hoop earrings on the way. who knows that else the week will bring???
keep an eye up for some sneaky peeks.
love, ellie

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hooray and a peek...

Okay, it's true, I am way excited.
After what was a much longer hiatus than I would ever have expected, I am back on etsy! WOOHOO!
I am pretty darn pleased.
Go to to see the first batch of yummies. And there is a sale running from now through Sunday night, Oct 17th at 11:59 pm ET. 10% off everything, including shipping! Did I mention WOOHOO?
And I thought I would share a sneek peek of what is going up next in the shop. 

soon to be earrings

 pendants in the making...
don't see the sale!
see you soon!
love, ellie

Monday, October 11, 2010

nope, not perfect AT ALL!

I was just checking out some new fiber patterns on ravelry. com and saw an ad for some really cool looking buttons. Never let it be said that I will miss the opportunity to find a new artist. So I clicked through, looking at her beautiful buttons, (check out her fab work here and noticed that she and I have a couple of the same badges. Kelly Rae Roberts, donna downey. funny how the world keeps getting smaller but cooler.
one thing that i discovered as i checked out this button lady's blog was brene brown. still going through her work but wow, she is awesome. about being imperfect and learning to be more than just okay with that. going to look into this loads more...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

coming oh, so soon!

my muse and i have had some good chats lately and we have decided to do some fun new stuff. one of the things to be on the lookout for is that will be closed. joy does happen but will be reserved for the coaching.
everything i make i make with love so we will be reopening the very shortly used shop and this will be the place to come for what's up and coming and what my muse has to say. one thing she is way keen on is video blog entries of what is coming up as well as photos.
so be on the lookout.
it's coming...

Friday, July 2, 2010

fear of flying

i used to be afraid to fly. my ears would hurt. a lot. i couldn't hear and all the while, when i was trying to appear like the oh so cool seasoned traveler that i wasn't, chatting people up and sipping my diet coke, i couldn't hear others. their mouths moved. i tried to figure out what was going on.
i faked what i could.
and then there was that little issue of feeling the ground abandoning my feet.
and falling back to the ground.
i got over that though.
because there were places i wanted to go. and didn't want to drive for hour after hour. or over, well, you know, oceans. so i got over it. i bought these little things called earplanes. that did wonders for my ears. and i embraced the idea of winging it with the birds.
that's the way that i feel about the ecourse i just took with kelly rae roberts. the sheer fact that i am back here, to the blog i set up for my creative bz, says volumes.
fear is one of the most powerful forces. the only one that i know that is strong is love. and i love creating. i love where that creative energy can take me. what sights it can help me see. much like flying with the birds.
kelly rae wrote a book called taking flight.
not surprising that title. at all.
the ecourse was called flight lessons. yeah, the course is over now, but the lessons will be like air currents under my creative wings. like a boarding pass to my creative life.
i am just so grateful. for everything. kelly rae. her book. her blog. her ecourse. life. my opportunities. the creative whispers and the woohoos.
just thank you.
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